Brent's Blog

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Hello all sorry I have not been around much. but it is spring in Alaska and it is hard to get myself in front of the computer and when I am I am totally engulfed in the Crazy Iditarod this year. Wish I was out there it was my kind if race with all the bad weather. Our race went well this weekend the weather was perfect and it was a great test for some young dogs and some recovering for injury. We finished 5th overall. I am off again tomorrow for a short 60 mile trip then back for a few days and off for a week in the white mountains. This is where some of my fist mushing adventures took place and I havent been out there in years so I am really excited. It will be a great trip to figure out my top ten dogs to take to the last race of the season, the Yukon Flats 300. It is the first running of the race and it is sure to be very exciting. I will keep you posted as the race draws near. thanks for stopping in


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