Brent's Blog

Friday, March 13, 2009


Chatanika Challenge 200

Well on a last minute decision we have enter the Chatanika 200. I have been so obsessed with the Iditarod I figured it would be good to get out on the trail again and away from the computer for awhile. So tomorrow at noon I will set off on a little adventure through the interior of Alaska. I drew bib Number 1 tonight so i will be the first one out of the chute, I am excited and cant wait to get back out on the trail. the last week has been very busy I had a guide and Cameraman from the UK here to start making plans to start guiding mushing trips in the future. they came over to go over trip details and get a bunch of marketing material. the visit went very well and I am looking forward setting up the trip in the future. I better get to bed we have to get up early to get to the start. Look for updates on the site and at

Staying Wild and Free

Brent and the Gang

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