Brent's Blog

Monday, December 8, 2008



Just made our first trip of the season into Manley. It was good for Kyla to get out of Eureka by car I think. She has been there for a month now. When I head to town she has to hold the fort down so she doesn't get out of Eureka much, but I think she likes it that way. I know I am jelious I would love not to have to to go town. It is good to come into Manley and see all of our friends here. They are always happy to see us and sit down and visit. We just met another couple that lives in here in town and is trapping out by us, it was good to finally meet in person instead of all bundled up out on the trail. We are going to work on getting some new trails in which is going to be great. The wind has been blowing hard out here the last few days which is great training but not everyday. Having some trails on this side of the pass will keep us off the mountain a little and out of the bad wind. I have to send a huge thanks to all of my new sponsors the list is growing by the day. With your support it is going to be an awesome season. The dogs have now had two days off and I am excited to get back out on the trail with a fresh team. I have been very productive on there off days!! Your not going to believe it but I have finished the Dog Bios for all the race team and have pics of them. 16 pages worth of typing. I know that doesnt sound like much but form me that is like writing book!!! All the info is on its way to the Web master and soon we will have a detailed Bio and some pics of all the dogs up on the site. I am really excited about it. I think it will be very interesting for you guys to know the dogs that are making this all possible. So watch for that. Ok we gotta run one more stop at the Redingtons and then we are headed back the Eureka. Thanks for stopping in.


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