Brent's Blog

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Surging Forward

The fall training season is in full swing and things are really heating up. Along with running dogs and working at TBK, all the projects that need to get done before the snow flies are going into action. The list begins with cleaning up the dog yard with new gravel, build 50 new houses, finish my half built wood shed and fill it with firewood, build a new shed, annual maintenance on the rental cabins and the list goes on. My marketing campaign is now underway as well, I am trying to spread the word about Wild and Free mushing, to get as many people interested in what I am trying to accomplish this season and get them fired up like I am. This campaign includes sending out postcards, writing sponsorship letters and thanking current sponsors. This is a huge job but very important to the success of The Wild and Free Team. Overall everything is going very well, I am happiest when I am busy and there is no shortage of projects to keep me busy. Sigrid is back from Norway and staying with me her in Fairbanks its been nice having her back and the help running dogs and doing chores has been great. Last Thursday and Friday Sigrid and I took a quick 1200 mile road trip to Whitehorse to pick up so dogs we bought. The trip went really well it was a great trip no problems and the dogs turned out to be great they have already been on 3 training runs and are adjusting to their new home very well. This weeks dog of the week is The Dude. The dude is a 3.5 year old that has been in both of my Quests and has become one of my main leaders. He was dropped 700 miles into my first Quest with Frostbitten testicles but showed allot of potential, last year in my fifth place finish he was a force and was one of the main reasons for our success. He has started this season with that same drive and has matured into a main leader. He is listening to commands holding out the line in lead and really pushing the pace. I can guarantee he will play a large role in our success this season and a dog I see could go in both the Quest and the Iditarod. I better get going hope all is well in your neck of the woods, thanks for checking in.

Staying Wild and Free


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