Brent's Blog

Sunday, October 21, 2007


training going well

Man it is amazing how busy it gets when training goes into full swing. sorry it has been a while but I have been really focusing on the dogs and trainning and it is really looking good. I have been up north in Eureka helping Dave Monson fix up Susan and his homestead and at the same time spending alot of time with the dogs. The Training up there is second to none and especially good for fourwheeler training. I am up to 15 miles and looking to boost them up again in a few days. all 26 dogs i have in training are running great. I have a great bunch and a good mix between experienced dogs and young dogs. The young dogs are learning alot in a short time and they are really speeding up the team. At the same time Kyla has been back here in fairbanks taking care of the old dogs and pups and doing a great jobs. the old guys are getting run everyday and doing a great job training the pups. I am sure to have some more great dogs in the future with all the attention and training they are getting now. I am hoping to head back up north for a couple weeks early next week and this time bring a few more dogs and kyla so she can see what it is like up there. thanks for checking in. stay tuned for more updates in the next week.

Brent and the Wild and Free Gang

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