Brent's Blog

Saturday, February 10, 2007



Hello to all of my Great Sponsors and Fans

Well it is go time in just four short hours I will be pulling the hook to start my 1000 mile trek and I cant wait. All of the hard work the dogs and I have put in all season is about to pay off. Loading the dogs up to come into town today I can tell they know what is going on and they are excited. I have to thank all of you for all of your support along the way none of this would be possible without you. please stay tuned to the site for updates Ken and Zack will be there to catch the action along the way. Off the the races for me thanks again

Brent Silver Modanna Ling Ling Pixie Ross York Busta Gene Taco Rocky Vorlox Thunder
The Dude Melville

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