Brent's Blog

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Wild and Free Update


Is anyone else amazed that July is coming to an end. It is hard to believe that summer is on its way out. Its been another wild one for me and the Wild and Free team. With 2 cabins done and just one more big remodel job left for the construction season, and just 45 more days left in the tour season we are looking ahead to fall training and the pilgramige back to Eureka. Kyla has found here rythm and is doing an awesome job of keeping the puppies in star form for the tourist while caring for 80 plus dogs, but I know she is just as eager as me to get back out to the comforts of Eureka... (no power, running water, people.. just dogs!) By the energy in the dog yard we know that the dogs are fired up and know that their time to shine is just around the corner. We plan on starting out fall training hopefully by the first week in Aug depending on the weather. It is still just a little too warm here in fairbanks to start a serous training but those cool wet Aug. Mornings are just around the corner. and it cant come too soon!! We are preparing for the biggest season in Wild and Free History! With the Merger Wild and Free with Trail Breaker Kennel we will have over 100 dogs in Eureka this year. 50 race dogs, 30 yearlings and 30 new pups we will be busy people. I have just signed on a new handler who will be arriving in Sept, this is very exciting news. With both Kyla and I racing this season the extra help will be essential to our success. As I stare off into the Dog yard I am extremely exited about the potential we have this season. Not only for my core race team but for Kyla and her puppy team. I find myself jellious that Kyla will be the first to get behind the these very eager yearlings we have. She is going to have one heck of a ride this season. I am very fortunate to have someone that I trust 100% with them. There is now doubt that we are going to see good things from Kyla and her team in this seasons races. Then my eyes wonder over to my team and a big smile comes over my face. I see my core 15 all solid 3-4 time Quest veterans just eager to get back on the trail next to them are my young guys that i know are very eager to prove they have what it takes to make the team, and then I see the 6 Mackey dogs I bought this year. 3 of which have been part of Lances main team and the other three young and full of potential. This combination of dogs has the potential to be at the top and that is where we are headed! There is now doubt that the team is stronger then they have ever been before and that I am going to work harder then I ever have to train the team to the best of their ability. I better get back to work still gotta get through the summer! I am in the process of working a totally new look for the website look for it to lunch on or before Sept 1. Thanks for checking in. for some reason I cant get any videos or pics posted on this blog. Ill work on the problem but please check out my facebook page for updated videos and pics from the dog yard

Being WILD and FREE

Brent and the gang


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