Brent's Blog

Friday, February 13, 2009


Lucky 13

Last night at the Banquet I drew Lucky Number 13 which sends me out the start Chute at 11:39AM Sat morning. After 4 days in Whitehorse filled with our final two runs, lots of meetings and final packing we are ready to go!! the dogs are extremely happy and sense that we are about to embark on an epic journey. I brought sixteen dogs to whitehorse and now the night before the race I have made my Final cuts. Unfortantly Tok the oldest dog at 10 years old got some kind of sore on the top of his head that has made the top of his head very sore. He is on antibiotics but because of this I have chosen to leave him behind. This is a real bummer I was looking forward to having his experience out on the trail. But anything that is sore now is only going to get more sore out on the trail. This has bumped the 45 pound Molly up to the race team. Molly has been a solid dog all season and has proven she can bring allot to the team. She is just two and this will be her first 1000 mile race, along with Budget they are the only two rookies. I am excited to add another young dog to the team, their excitement will be very fun to have along the trail. Molly is a big time cheerleader, a great eater and a very consistent, she will be a great addition to the team. So here you go the starting lineup for the the 2009 Quest. Thanks so much to all of my sponsors without your support this would not be possible. This will be my last blog entry I am turing the updates for the race over to My good friends Aren and Jen Gunderson. Check out the Yukon Quest 09 blog for updates throughtout the race, thanks again for being great supports, This years team is stronger and more prepared then we've ever been!!! I am looking forward to a great race. Off the the Races

Ling Ling
The Dude

Brent and the Wild and Free Gang

Monday, February 9, 2009


Fired up!!!

Hey sorry its been a while but things are really heating up now with the race just 5 days away. I cant wait vet checks went great all the dogs are in good shape they are even fat. it is great to be able to put them all on a diet before the race instead of trying to stuff them full to put on weight. we did a 50 miler in the white mountains today and the dogs look great we are ready to go, Final packing tomorrow and we are off for Whitehorse on the 10. Ill be back with a final report from Fairbanks tomorrow with the starting lineup, before we head south.


Friday, February 6, 2009


Fairbanks Bound

Well we wrapped up an amazing season of training in Eureka yesterday with an awesome 80 mile run!! the dogs and I are ready it was the strongest run of the season the dogs Know that it is race time. We are headed to fairbanks now for our vet check tomorrow and then headed to Whitehorse. Amazing it is just about race day and we cant wait!! Thanks so much for everyone that has sponsored a dog. as of today we have 6 dogs sponsored. As a sponsor your name will be displayed proudly on your dogs coat at the start line and throughout the race!! More when i get to fairbanks. Snowing like crazy here in Eureka should be a fun drive back to the Banks



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